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Award-Winning Brisbane Physiotherapy​


We’ve put together a list of the most common questions that we get asked. If your question hasn’t been answered, please call us on 3061 7128

1. What will I experience during my first physiotherapy appointment?

Before you arrive at your appointment, we send you a new client form to fill out online. We ask you some questions about your condition or injury, so our physios can prepare for your appointment.


During the appointment, your physio will ask you questions about your injury or condition that you're seeking treatment for, any illnesses and prior injuries, any medications you're taking, and your lifestyle. These questions enable your physio to form a diagnosis of your condition or injury - i.e. what is causing the pain, discomfort or weakness? 


Your physio will then commence treatment. We may use techniques such as joint mobilisation, muscle releases, muscle activation, education and advice, as well as nerve releases, muscle energy technique, western acupuncture and dry needling. You may also be given appropriate exercises to do during the appointment and at home. 

Following your appointment, our physio will prepare a detailed treatment plan for you. When you come back, they will go through the plan with you so you know what to expect next.


2. When will I get better or see results?


It’s often possible to notice results in the first session. For most people, our treatment compared to using only hands-on treatment results in shorter recovery times. This means fewer visits and lower cost overall - even though at first, it may seem that our fees are not the cheapest compared to other practices nearby.


We'd like to think of your recovery journey as a partnership between the physio and yourself. We find that more often than not, clients who are motivated, determined and who prioritise their health will see results faster and stay better for longer. 

3. Will I have to do exercises?

Most likely, yes. Our clients often find that exercises are more effective than, and the effect is longer lasting than hands-on treatment. 

But the exercises we prescribe will not push you beyond your limits, and will be appropriately tailored to where you are on your recovery journey. For example, an acute low back pain client will not be able to do weight-bearing exercises when they first come into our practice; but as they progress, our physio may give them such exercises so they can strengthen the weak muscles and prevent low back pain from occurring.  

4. I'm an NDIS participant, can I see you? Do you do home visits?

Yes - as long as you're either self managing your plan or are plan managed. We'll need a few details from you such as your plan dates, participant number and billing details. We can provide a fee estimate too in the form of a service agreement. 

Please read the info on this page for more details about the services we provide.

We work with your other health professionals and can prepare reports for plan reviews. 

We can come see you at your home, provided the travel is less than 30 minutes each way. We do charge for travel, please ask us about this if you'd like to know more details. 

5. I've got a Team Care Plan / EPC plan / Chronic Disease Management Plan from my GP, can I see you? 

Yes - as long as our clinic (Breathe Physio and Pilates) is listed on the plan. 

If you have a referral from the GP (known as a Team Care Plan or a Chronic Disease Management Plan), you can use it to partially cover the cost of your appointment. Your Doctor can give you up to 5 sessions of physiotherapy in a calendar year under the Team Care Plan or Chronic Disease Management Plan. For physiotherapists other than Winnie, we provide a discount for these sessions under the plan. We charge $82, the Medicare rebate is $58 (as at 1 July 2023), so you will incur a small out of pocket fee of $24 for each appointment, which is 30 minutes in duration. For Winnie, we do not have this discount arrangement and you will have an out of pocket fee which is equal to our usual fee minus the Medicare rebate. For example, Winnie's initial appointment is $150, if Medicare rebate is $58, you will have an out of pocket cost of $92.


Regardless of which physiotherapist you see, please keep in mind there are no further Medicare rebates or private health insurance claims available on your out of pocket cost. 

6. I'm a DVA white card or gold card holder, can I see you?

Yes - you just need a referral from your GP. Once you have that, there's no gap payment. For white card holders, the injury we're treating needs to be the same as your accepted condition. 

7. I'm a Workcover client, or I've been in a car accident and claiming compulsory third party insurance, can I see you?

Yes you can. For Workcover, you'll need to see a GP first to obtain a Work Capacity Certificate. Your claim must first be accepted by Workcover (we can look this up for you if you give us a few personal details). If your claim is pending, you must first pay for your treatment. Once the claim is accepted by Workcover, we don't charge a gap.

For compulsory third party insurance (CTP), you can see us straight away, but until you have a claim number from the CTP insurer, you'll need to pay for the treatment yourself. We'll send you an invoice of course, so you can later try to claim it from the insurer. Once the claim number is obtained, we'll do the rest, and you won't need to pay anything.

8. What can I expect during your studio pilates classes?

Thanks for choosing us for pilates! We run small classes with 6 pax maximum per class. Have a read of this blog post to find out more.

9. What are your fees?


Physiotherapy fees vary depending on the level of experience, service provided and time spent. Physiotherapy fees in Brisbane range from $100 to $170 for a 45 minute initial appointment; $75 to $140 for 30 minute follow-up appointments. Please note we do not bulk bill.


For most people, our treatment compared to using only hands-on treatment results in shorter recovery times. This means fewer visits and lower cost overall. You can find our fees here.

10. What if I can't make it to my appointment (our Cancellation Policy)?

We all know time is the most valuable thing in our day. We take the utmost pride in providing high-quality services to our clients and devote time to prepare for your appointment. Therefore, we appreciate as much notice as possible when making changes to your appointment date and time. 

If you are unable to attend an appointment we require at least 24 hours notice. If your appointment is on a Monday, please cancel by midday on the previous Saturday, as we do not open on Sundays. Late cancellations will incur the full fee of your appointment, unless we can fill the spot. We would try our best to fill your appointment slot, but if we can't then the full fee will be charged.

If you are sick, our physiotherapists may offer you a telehealth session. If unfortunately you decline or are unable to use telehealth, our 24 hour cancellation policy still applies.

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