Sciatica is a radiating pain that runs from the pelvis down to the feet, either via one of both legs. This is the result of a neurological condition that occurs at the lower back, pelvis or buttock which entraps the nerves.
The cause of sciatica can be due to many reasons, such as:
Spinal stenosis
Disc herniation
Slipping disc.
Always consult your physiotherapist for a thorough assessment regarding your condition and what may have caused your sciatica.
Initial stage
In the initial stages, there may be swelling present which can increase pain. While inflammation is a normal process of healing, excess inflammation can increase pain.
So the first step of resolving your sciatica is pain and swelling management. These are often achieved by allowing your body to have sufficient rest and using ice to reduce inflammation.
Middle stage
After the pain has been managed, the next step is to restore range of motion and strength. This is best achieved by an individualised exercise program prescribed by a physiotherapist, as everyone's needs are different. Some common exercises physiotherapists use for sciatica are: knee rocking, lumbar extension, abdominal curl-ups, bridging and pelvic tilts.
Final stage
Once sciatica has been managed, it is important to continue to fine tune your core strength as sciatica has a tendency to return. By doing this, it will help decrease the risk of re-injury and will make it safer to return to sports and other leisure activities.
Please seek a physiotherapist's advice for specific treatment of your condition or injury.
Contact us @ Breathe Physio & Pilates
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